I woke up at 2:00 today, which meant that i missed breakfast and lunch at North Star today. So, I just ordered some food to my building on campusfood.com. its actually really neat that i can order food without picking up the phone. Its amazing how much food get ordered here, I see dozens of Chinese food boxes daily.
This week has been pretty good in terms of the class. we had a debate on Wednesday about whether ethnic bias played a role in the outcome of Lia Lee's health care. I was on the pro-side and we lost. (I think most of the people on my team didn't agree with the pro-side anyway)
Yesterday, we watched a movie about heart surgery for "blue babies." I'd seen a Hollywood version of this documentary, so it was nice to be able to connect it to something I'd already seen.
Now, I'm working on my 6 page paper on The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down. I'm about a quarter of the way finished, so this weekend is going to be very busy.
till later,
Joseph Young
Cornell & Brown Depart
8 years ago